Conversion Technologies Development

EPS, working for Los Angeles County and private sector clients, has been extensively involved in promoting the development of conversion technologies in California. Conversion technologies (gasification/pyrolysis/anaerobic digestion), unlike incinerators, do not burn waste. They are non-combustion thermal, mechanical, and biological processes that convert post recycled residuals (materials that would otherwise be sent to landfills) into green fuels such as ethanol and biodiesel, clean renewable energy and other marketable products. Work in this sector has included: legislative drafting and advocacy, and outreach including the environmental community, state agencies, and other stakeholders.

CT's have the ability to reduce dependence on landfilling while converting post consumer materials into energy and fuels. They are compatible with jurisdictions with high recycling rates and those that lack source separation programs. EPS has been at the forefront of CT development in California, and was involved in the development of one of the nation's first full scale CT projects in Vero Beach, Florida.